Thursday, September 15, 2011


First of all, our apologies for being absent on the blog! We just spent a week in the outback with no cell service or internet, so we've got heaps of stories to fill you in on!

But first to catch you up on Day Three.

We only spent 15 hours in Adelaide, so there's not too much to report on the city itself, but here are a few things that I will remember about "Radelaide":
  • South Australia has its own time zone that is exactly 30 minutes behind Melbourne and Sydney. It's annoyingly pointless.
  • Adelaide has a weird, New orleans vibe going on with the Victorian-style balconies and seedy adult shops on Hindley Street. But apart from that area, it seems like a really friendly place to live. Several people on the street stopped to offer directions, even when we didn't need them. I guess it's kinda hard to blend in when we're wearing backpacks and carrying grocery bags full of Cup-o-Noodles and Doritos.
  • The gas station attendent told me about a yodeling, piano-playing Dingo in the Outback that we'll have to check out. Can't wait.
  • I bought the first two Harry Potter books for our upcoming train ride (only about a decade behind the rest of the world), and it was sad how hard it was to find a bookstore. Only one out of three huge bookstores remains open on Rundle Mall as the rest have had to shut their brick and mortar doors due to competition from Amazon and other online stores. Sad times.
  • Adelaide is in wine country, and we're looking forward to having a sneaky taste of local Shiraz on the train.

And that's about it! Next up is our adventure on the Ghan to Alice Springs so check back will be much more exciting!

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