Saturday, September 10, 2011

South Australia


We got an early start on Day Two, and though it was raining, we decided to try our luck at Tower Hill, an ancient volcanic crater turned nature reserve. Excellent decision, for while Caz and I were not huge fans of the wet weather, the frolicking animals of Tower Hill didn't seem bothered at all. Inching Casper along the narrow, one way road winding through the park, we were treated to a veritable safari of Australian wildlife. Kangaroos hopped to and fro, many of them carrying adorable little joeys in their front pouches. They bounded across our path with no fear, although we didn't dare leave the car to try the walking trails. Kangaroos are very big and powerful, in case you were wondering. Better to stay cozy in the car.

Wild emus were another resident of Tower Hill. Much slower than the 'roos, but just as unconcerned about our little Getz, they strolled along the road and in the parking lot. One came very close to sticking his head straight in my window during a photo op. Their heads are really little compared to the rest of their bodies. While I've heard of emu farms in the States, it was quite neat to see them just wandering around in their own habitat.

Feeling quite cheerful about our wildlife encounter, we continued west towards Adelaide. Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side this time. The sun peeked out now and again, but we were constantly pummeled with bouts of heavy rain. Still, Caz, Casper, and I sallied forth. The weather kept us from taking many sightseeing detours, but there were still a few notable bits. For one, the Big Lobster, which we happened on by chance. Supposedly there are Big things scattered all throughout Oz, and this was our first. It certainly was big; the Getz looked like a scooter next to it!

Another unexpected encounter was the car ferry. Now, I've been on ferries in the past. I've even taken a car onto one. But we're talking a 9 hour long journey. This ferry serviced just a small river. For bodies of water that size, I would have expected a bridge. We drove the car onto it along with a few others and took a couple minutes to stretch our legs and enjoy the sunshine as the ferry floated leisurely to the other side. Then we hopped back in and drove off as though there had been no interruption. Simple, but new and enjoyable.

Taking one last shot at sightseeing, we took a detour to Victor Harbor, a well known whale spotting site on the Fleurieu Peninsula. The town was quite cute, and it was the right time of year for sightings. However, as we parked, it began to hail. Just no luck with the weather. We tried waiting it out, but it didn't stop hailing until we left the parking lot. Figures. We parked again anyway and took a quick look at the harbor, but by then we were cold and hungry, so we cut our losses and finished our journey to Adelaide. Leg one: complete!

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© Carolyn Taylor and Lauren Knight 2011